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Penguin Refresh
Posted by (Dori Friend) on 30 May 2012 10:28 AM

Did you see any change over the last couple of days in rankings?

Guys in my mastermind are telling me they got all improvements on it from sending 80% brand links to their clients sites. (means anchor text that just has the URL in it)

I myself, was doing a negative seo test and the site I was aiming at shot up to #2 for the term I was sending fiverr types links on, and it rose in all other positions for other keywords, so go figure. lol

And, remember that Yoast post that called Godaddy out on all those footer links they put on clients sites? Well, they are STILL ranking #3 for "web host."

No one really knows EXACTLY what metrics Penguin is dialing down, as it is really hard to tell since there are a couple of algorithmic cycles that are occurring and refreshes happen only once a month so testing takes an incredibly long time.

On one side we have the seo's that are certain that it is low quality links with excessive exact match anchor text,
(This article is proof how important it is to be in control of your own links!!)

and on the other hand we have seo's that are certain it has nothing to do with linking at all.

What do YOU think?

I want to hear how it is effecting YOU! Please comment below!


P.S. I have a Two-for-One Special this week on my Advanced SEO Workshop were we are diving into all of this with the latest test results in hand. I am also going to teach you how to build your own network so if you were like the guys in the webpronews article, you have complete control over you links and can turn them off at will!!

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