Knowledgebase: Text Streams
How do I submit my SEOLinkVine Elite text stream?
Posted by Julie on 12 February 2010 04:21 PM
SEOLinkVine Elite VIP and SuperVIP members have the privilege of posting to the automated network through text streams. If you are a VIP or SuperVIP member, you can put in your text streams by following these steps:

1. Log in to your SEOLinkVine Elite account.

SEOLinkVine Elite Login Page

2. Click on the Automation tab.

SEOLinkVine Elite Automation Button

3. If you already have a text stream in there, you will first have to click Edit in order to add to or replace your text stream.

SEOLinkVine Elite Edit Text Stream

4. Put in your text stream and then click the Save button.

SEOLinkVine Elite Save Text Stream


Note: SuperVIP members will see three text stream boxes instead of just one. There should be a text stream in all of the three boxes for the SuperVIP auto-posting to work properly. You can put in exactly the same text stream in each box, or you can put in a different text stream in each box.

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How many posts are allowed in a text stream?

How often can I update my text stream?

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